Jaedan Bupin Stanford Center in the Republic of Korea
The Jaedan Bupin Stanford Center in the Republic of Korea is a non-profit entity in South Korea. It was incorporated on March 31, 2020 (the “JB”) under Article 32 of the Civil Act and the Rules for the Operational Establishment and Supervision of Non-Profit Corporations, 1958. The JB provides the legal framework for the Stanford Center at the Incheon Global Campus (“SCIGC.”) SCIGC is a research center sponsored by the School of Engineering, specifically, Civil and Environmental Engineering. The focus of the research center is on smart city technology implementation, sustainable urban systems and wellness, urban-focused entrepreneurship methods and business models, and sustainable development and global economic competitiveness research.
Relationship to Stanford
A related entity to Stanford University
Stanford Programs Supported
The School of Engineering’s Korea Campus.
The JB’s Board of Directors consists of 4 directors from Stanford University (two from the School of Engineering, one from the Office of Research Administration and one from Financial Management Services (Global Business Services.))
Contact Global Business Services (GBS)
Because of this Presence, activities carried out in-country may trigger additional compliance requirements. If any of the following are true, contact GBS to ascertain if the activities could trigger associated obligations for you or Stanford.
- You are a business traveler in South Korea for over 183 cumulative days in one year.
- You will rent, lease, or purchase space, whether for residence or work.
- Your program will generate revenue or income in South Korea.
- You need to hire local workers in South Korea.