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Real Estate Agreements

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Renting or buying real estate in a foreign country in Stanford’s name or with the expectation that Stanford will be making reimbursements may create a Stanford Presence in that country. Real estate transactions include renting and using living quarters, laboratory or office space for extended periods of time. Before contemplating any foreign real estate transactions, determine whether a local collaborating institution could assist you in securing space for your work. If this option is not available, Global Business Services (GBS) can work with you on how best to structure your program and secure the space needed in the foreign location.

If your activity in country requires the use of laboratory or office space, the preferred approach is to work with a collaborator. Additionally, a Presence may be triggered if your stay in a foreign country is greater than 183 days and you plan on renting or leasing housing and requesting reimbursement from Stanford. Triggering a Presence has tax and other legal implications for the individual as well as the project and the University.

If collaboration with a local partner is not possible, please contact GBS for assistance with other options. In certain countries where Stanford already has a Presence, there may be existing space that is available. In other locations, GBS can work with you on how to structure your program and find the space you need.

What's Next?

GBS can help you understand the implication of leasing, renting, or possibly buying space in a foreign country, so if you are not already working with a local collaborator that can provide space for your project, contact GBS for further assistance.